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Thank you for your interest in investing with RKS Equity Group

To obtain information on RKS Equity Group’s current offerings please complete the form below and we will get in touch with you.

Investor FAQ's

What is an accredited investor? Do I need to be an accredited investor?

An accredited investor is an individual who meets specific requirements regarding net worth and income according to SEC regulations. These regulations ensure proper protection for all investors.

To be an accredited investor, you must satisfy at least one of the following:

1. Your annual income has been $200,000+, for the past two years and you have the expectation of reaching the same income level this year.
2. Your joint income with your spouse has been $300,000+ for the past two years and you have the expectation of reaching the same income level this year.
3. Your individual net worth (or joint net worth with your spouse) exceeds $1,000,000, excluding your primary residence.

Investor accreditation requirements will depend solely upon our offering, but in general you are not required to be an accredited investor to invest in our offerings.

What is a sophisticated investor?

A sophisticated investor is one who is considered to have knowledge and experience that makes them eligible for certain investment opportunities.


How do I get notified our investment opportunities?

To be be notified on our investment opportunities you must be placed on our investor email list. If you are looking to be on our investor list, please complete the investment form here:

For each investment opportunity open to our investors, you will receive an email notification from us announcing the offering. In most cases we will host a webinar to provide you with more information regarding the investment offering.

What is the minimum investment amount?

The minimum investment is dependent upon the offering, and can vary for each offering. Typically, the minimum investment amount will be $25,000- $75,000 per offering. Investments will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.

What are the typical returns for investors?

As an investor you will receive distributions throughout the hold time of the asset along with a return on your investment upon sale. These returns will vary from project to project, so, please contact us at for more specific information regarding total returns.

When do I usually start getting paid after I invest?

This will vary depending on the project. The distribution schedule will be outlined within the investment offering. In general, we offer monthly distributions to our investors.

Once I invest in an offering what can I expect?

Upon investing with RKS Equity Group, you can expect to receive monthly investor reports that will update you on the performance of the project with financial data, and a summary discussing the execution of our business plan.


Can I use my IRA to invest in your offerings?

Yes, you can use your self-directed IRA or solo 401(k) to invest in our investment offerings.

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